Re:Ciclos (2021) from
Ryan Mekenian on
Re:Ciclos Is
A non-profit project of CRSP dedicated to increasing access to cargo bicycle technology and empowerment of youth in Black and brown communities through fabrication, mechanics, advocacy, outreach, and community. We build
cargo bicycles with
youth interns in order to provide this practical liberating technology to people in our community.
Adopt-A-Bike Program
Bicycles are a more just, sustainable, and enjoyable form of transportation than cars, and they should be accessible to everyone. However, many people in LA can’t afford a bike. In response, Re:Ciclos is partnering with LA Metro to distribute bikes to underserved communities. Re:Ciclos tunes up bikes from Metro’s lost and found and gives them to community members in need. We partner with CARECEN, the LA Tenants Union, LACAN, IDEPSCA, and other local groups to do giveaways. Learn
more about the program here. If your organization would like to partner with us on, email us at
More About Re:Ciclos
Cargo Bike Programs